Monday, August 28, 2006

I Really hope Ortiz Hits 62

But it's looking less and less like he will. His current pace is 58.569 (aka 58).

Maybe he can get in a groove and rattle off like 6 in a week sometime soon. Certainly possible; but it would help to have Manny back in the lineup. He'll top Jimmie Foxx's Red Sox record of 50 from 1938, which is no small accomplishment (It's pretty incredible that that one has held up so long).

But still, the AL record would be nice. It seems to be the last hope that something great can come out of this Sox season.


The Fabulous Galdstoner said...

What do you mean? The Sox season is great already…for me and all the other Yankee fans.

Theo Von Hohenheim said...

I wish I could find some digital way to make your computer slap you.

Also, this whole heartbeat thing doesn't help the cause. Frankly, I'm disappointed to learn that Ortiz needs a heart (or any other organs for that matter) to survive. But I still hold out that until he dies, there is no proof that is actually mortal.

Theo Von Hohenheim said...

Just wanted to add, the more you talk like that, the more I suspect you were the one that realeased this strain of ebola virus that seems to be making its way around the Red Sox clubhouse.

I'm glad you take please in having a lead over a team that is currently able to field 2 of it's regulars at their normal positions. And only 2 others out of position. Actually, I think it's time for a post about it.

Anonymous said...

Long-time reader, first-time commenter here: very impressed with the Blog! The Fabulous Gladstoner is aware that I have a 1968-present allegiance to the Oakland A's which has formed my observation (shared by other fans in Oakland, Baltimore, Toronto, TBay, Cleveland, and misc NL cities) that both Red Sox and NYY fans as they swarm a visiting ballpark -- apart from Fenway or The Stadium -- take on the character of the hermit crab, treating the venue as their own for the length of any series. Yet with the emergence of Papi Ortiz I find that my rooting interest in the Sox approaches the label of a devoted fan. It is more than just his phenomenal hitting talent but also his indispensable devotion to the team concept. (Of course, Jeter long ago broke down my capacity to reflexively root against NYY.)

Nevertheless, I lapse back into the perspective of a non-Yankee/Sawx observer on occasion. --please see"Socking it to Sox: A's, Red Sox are living in different worlds"

At this very moment, with this recent development of Papi's precautionary evaluation for possible irregular heartbeat impairments, the disruption to the Red Sox and the deep concern to us fans loom most serious.

... Larry Gomes, hereafter known as UST ["Uecker Seat Ticketholder"] if this comment makes the cut.