Tuesday, August 22, 2006


My friend Jesse and I have spent much of our work days this summer sending our thoughts on baseball back and forth by email. So we decided, to hell with it, let's start a blog. So here it is. At worst, it will remain a domain for our personal discussions, at best it will be insightful and interesting to the thoughtful fan.

This blog is written by one Red Sox fan and one Yankees fan, as I'm sure will be obvious before too long. However, we do not intend to make this the crux of the blog. We are both baseball fans first, so Sox/Yanks hoopla should not reach obnoxious levels.

Comments are welcome, but we will moderate them and retain the right to reject anything that we don't think adds to the discussion. Well, I guess that's it for intodructions, now to get Jesse a blogger account and get things rolling . . .

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