Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hooray Red Sox (sour grapes edition)

Well, I am very happy that the Sox managed to bounce back and take two out of three from the White Sox. Not that I think it really puts them back into the race, but I just don't like the White Sox, and it knocked them down some in the standings. (Also, it helped to get some revenge for last years playoff sweep) Mostly though, I don't like Ozzie Guillen. I understand that he is a 'colorful character' and provides many good sound bites for the media. The problem is that I think he regularly takes it too far. He calls out players publicly far too often, even for ridiculous things like failing to throw at an opposing hitter. Along the same lines, I didn't like the way he treated Frank Thomas, a career White Sox and probably the best hitter of the '90's. I also recall the end of last season when they faced the fading Indians, he was mocking their mascot by pretending to choke himself. Really, that's beyond the realm of reasonable.

He gets way too much credit for his team's success, just because he is so loud that he attracts all of the attention. If you look at the rotation he had last year, and the lineup he has this year, it should be clear where the credit belongs. Ya, the players. And Kenny Williams, who brought them there. The Galdstoner and I agreed last year, as his popularity grew, that Ozzie's fall will be fast and very very ugly when it comes. Sure, everything is fine when you are winning. But this team will fail at some time. And rest assured, when it does, Ozzie will say and do all the wrong things and he will be booed off the team by a fanbase suddenly wise to his absurd behavior.

Anyway, the sox have an upcoming series with the Twins. I say start all the young guys. Let Minnesota take the series and give experience to the guys who'll help next year. It will help keep the White Sox out of the playoffs and continue what they started this week.

So now, in my mind, the only remaining series that matters is the Yankees series. Again, they are not getting back in the race, but they need a little revenge for that last series. It would also be a shame to let a two month collapse by the Sox taint an otherwise totally even head-to-head record over the last 4 years. So the season may be over, but that doesn't mean there is nothing to play for.

1 comment:

The Fabulous Galdstoner said...

With regard to Ozzie and the White Sox, I couldn't agree with you more. This past weekend when the Yanks were playing the Twins I was almost rooting for the Yanks to lose just because I really can't stand Ozzie. People that think he is a good manager are idiots. I give all the credit for their achievements to the players and, most of all, Ken Williams, one of the best GMs in the game.